Web Hosting With Laravel
The best automated Laravel one click installer with the power of the cloud
What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching.
Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.
- Expressive, beautiful syntax: Value elegance, simplicity, and readability? You’ll fit right in. Laravel is designed for people just like you. If you need help getting started, check out Laracasts and our great documentation.
- Tailored for your team: Whether you're a solo developer or a 20 person team, Laravel is a breath of fresh air. Keep everyone in sync using Laravel's database agnostic migrations and schema builder.
- Modern toolkit. Pinch of magic. An amazing ORM, painless routing, powerful queue library, and simple authentication give you the tools you need for modern, maintainable PHP. We sweat the small stuff to help you deliver amazing applications.
Laravel is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2011, Laravel as of August 2015 is the most popular and watched PHP project on GitHub.
Laravel web hosting with cloud technology!
Let us be your Laravel cloud technology partner.
Cloud Starter
- 2 Domains/Websites
- Deploy on Linux or Windows Server
- WordPress Optimized
- Free SSL ( Let's Encrypt )
- Unlimited Website Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- Over 100 Quick Install Applications
- Web Application Firewall
Protects your websites against malware infections, web attacks, vulnerability exploitation
$9.95 /mo
10% Off for 12 Months
20%Off For 24 Months
30% Off For 36 Months
Order Cloud Starter Hosting
Cloud Business
- 10 Domains/Websites
- Deploy on Linux and Windows Servers
- WordPress Optimized
- Free SSL ( Let's Encrypt )
- Unlimited Website Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- Over 100 Quick Install Applications
- Web Application Firewall
Protects your websites against malware infections, web attacks, vulnerability exploitation
$16.95 /mo
10% Off for 12 Months
20%Off For 24 Months
30% Off For 36 Months
Order Cloud Business Hosting
Cloud Enterprise
- 50 Domains/Websites
- Deploy on Linux and Windows Servers
- WordPress Optimized
- Free SSL ( Let's Encrypt )
- Unlimited Website Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- Over 100 Quick Install Applications
- Reseller Ready With Panel Users
- Web Application Firewall
Protects your websites against malware infections, web attacks, vulnerability exploitation
$24.95 /mo
10% Off for 12 Months
20%Off For 24 Months
30% Off For 36 Months
Order Cloud Enterprise Hosting
Cloud Unlimited
- Unlimited Domains/Websites
- Deploy on Linux and Windows Servers
- WordPress Optimized
- Free SSL ( Let's Encrypt )
- Unlimited Website Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- Over 100 Quick Install Applications
- Web Application Firewall
Protects your websites against malware infections, web attacks, vulnerability exploitation
$39.95 /mo
10% Off for 12 Months
20%Off For 24 Months
30% Off For 36 Months
Order Cloud Unlimited Hosting

The Cloud Balance Deployment Advantage
Taking web hosting for business to a new level
How does cloud web hosting work?
Cloud Balance deployment places your websites, e-mail, and databases on different servers within our hosting server cluster. Provisioning is done behind the scenes using our simple cloud management interface, maximizing account uptime by not provisioning your services/websites on a single server. Cloud balance deployment takes shared web hosting to a new level by eliminating the single point of failure of the basic shared web hosting model. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our sales department. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Website Isolation
With shared web hosting, all of your sites reside in the same space provided to you on a single server. Therefore, if one website has a security issue, it has the potential to affect all of your hosted websites. With cloud web hosting, your websites (including subdomains) are isolated from one another, keeping other sites safe and sound.
Have any questions?
Let one of our in house associates help you choose the right plan to fit your needs.
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