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Social Media? - Don't Underestimate Social Media Marketing

  • September 14th, 2015
Social Media? - Don't Underestimate Social Media Marketing

Social media is not just a fun way to pass the time, reconnect with friends, share vacation photos, play games, and look at pictures of interest. It's also one of the best marketing platforms out there. If you don't currently have a social media marketing strategy in place, you need to get on it. Here's why. It's One of the Most Popular Online A . . .

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What You Should Know About YouTube Video Marketing

  • September 14th, 2015

YouTube is far more than a place to find viral videos of cats and flying lawnmowers. Here are just a few things you might not have known. YouTube Is One of the Biggest Search Engines Around. Believe it or not, YouTube is actually the second largest search engine on the Internet. It's bigger than Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and AOL combined. The on . . .

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5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is More Effective Than You'd Think

  • September 2nd, 2015

Don't think email marketing works well? Think again. Here are a few things you should know. Email Marketing Is Like the Gift That Keeps on Giving. - When you launch an email marketing campaign, you're going to get some people who don't even bother opening, no matter how much time you put into crafting the digital media. However, top-perf . . .

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3 Ways Digital Marketers Have Fine Tuned Their Strategies

  • August 31st, 2015

Digital marketing is highly measurable. Analytics software can track how many visitors a site gets, how long they stay there, where they go, where they came from, and so much more. As a result, digital marketers can fine-tune their campaigns in unbelievable ways. Here are just a few of the fascinating ways metrics have allowed marketers to optim . . .

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The Value of Social Media: 3 Reasons Why It Matters

  • August 24th, 2015

Don't underestimate the value of a social media marketing strategy. By engaging consumers online, you can build brand loyalty and generate more brand exposures, which can have a real impact. Here's why you should have a digital marketing agency to handle social media management for your brand.  Social Media Marketing has Scale According . . .

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