Hosting Blog ( Page 73 )

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What are different types of Web Hosting are there?

  • December 2nd, 2016
What are different types of Web Hosting are there?

If you don't have any experience with web hosting, it's easy to get overwhelmed. In reality, web page hosting is straightforward when all the components are broken down. In the first part of our new series on cloud web hosting, you'll learn the most basic terms associated with website hosting. So, first things first... What is web hosting? . . .

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PPC and SEO: Why You Can't Have One Without the Other

  • November 28th, 2016

Having a PPC agency separate from an SEO agency used to be quite normal. Why hire one company when you can hire experts from both sides? But now, as the lines blur and digital marketing strategies continue to evolve, it has become increasingly clear that search engine optimization and pay-per-click are not rivals, but allies.

The . . .

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PPC or SEO: Which is Best for Your Company?

  • October 17th, 2016

Both pay-per-click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) are incredibly effective ways to generate new leads online. In either case, the end goal is the same: Digital marketing consultants work to get your website onto page one of key Google search results.

But how do you know which methods to choose? Top Candidates for P . . .

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Main Differences Between Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting

  • September 26th, 2016

If you conduct a large portion of your daily business via the Internet, you may already be familiar with more traditional types of hosting services, like shared hosting. But did you know that many businesses are choosing to switch over to a cloud hosted server? A staggering 87% of businesses are now operating in the cloud. Many people aren't famili . . .

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Beyond Google: 5 Search Engines You Need to Know

  • September 26th, 2016

Believe it or not, there is a search engine world outside of Google -- and it's one that you should be paying attention to. Many people are beginning to feel that Google has too much power, is too finicky with its algorithm, and is devoting too much SERP space to PPC ads. As a result, more people are turning to alternative search engines than ever . . .

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